Home > Artworks > Ana Roldán Sánchez del Corral

Photo of Ana Roldán Sánchez del Corral Spain

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Ana Roldán was born in Malaga on January 7, 1960. Stresses in the school as a good artist with 11 years decides to study drawing at the School of Applied Arts and Crafts in Manchester. Later continuing his self-taught learning, from small studies seasons painters locals and nourished by the sources of teachers...

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Ana Roldán was born in Malaga on January 7, 1960. Stresses in the school as a good artist with 11 years decides to study drawing at the School of Applied Arts and Crafts in Manchester. Later continuing his self-taught learning, from small studies seasons painters locals and nourished by the sources of teachers as Botticelli, Gauguin, Rousseau, Turner, Sorolla and Klimt among others, of interest to you and learn from each something different. In 1993, leaves the job he came to occupy so far to devote exclusively to art, specializing in watercolor, doing portraits for which begins to be revealed. The freshness of his watercolors are reaffirmed with a loose brush and nuanced tonal range. They can accommodate far anecdotal and intimate, set in a broad perspective or close-ups of nature photography. In 2003 a new stage in his painting, his works evolve convey the concern of his interest in human nature and psyche, and in the plastic, using different techniques, investigating and taking a turn to more creative figuration, creating psychological characters full of symbolism and color. So far has held 17 solo exhibitions, has participated in 63 group exhibitions and competitions, being awarded in 5 contests Watercolor. He is currently exhibiting his work at the Art Gallery Comtemporary Sofia Gaspar de Hong Kong

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